
Paul McCartney, Stevie Wonder, Dave Grohl, Patti Smith and Tom Morello will all be involved in the April 18th ceremony at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland.

McCartney will be presenting his Beatles’ band mate Ringo Starr with the Excellence In Music award, Stevie Wonder will be inducting Bill Withers, Patti Smith will induct Lou Reed, and John Mayer will speak on behalf of Stevie Ray Vaughan. Green Day will be inducted by Fall Out Boy and the Paul Butterfield Blues Band will be ushered into the hall by Peter Wolf.

Stevie’s brother Jimmie Vaughan will perform with his old band Double Trouble, Grohl will perform Joan Jett’s music, Morello will play for the Paul Butterfield Blues Band, Joe Walsh will perform Ringo Starr’s music and Jon Legend will play for Withers.

A few names are still not known – for example, who will induct Joan Jett, and how many of the actual inductees will perform themselves.

Find out more about this years inductees HERE.