Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

The 2016 inductees into the Rock & Roll Hall of fame should be announced on Thursday, but there’s been some controversy along the way.

Voting has closed for the class of 2016 but a lot of visitors to the Rock Hall Website noticed an alarming trend in the rate of fan votes cast. So many votes were cast in the first week, that it was hard to imagine that the website hadn’t been interfered with. The finally tally shows an incredibly high volume of votes. Hall of Fame members carry the most weight when the final decision is made so the fan opinion may not mean much this year. Deep Purple, Cheap Trick, Yes and The Cars are among the hopefuls. 

IT may come this week, or it may be a little later, but Pearl Jam have tweeted that they are on the verge of announcing a North American tour in 2016. Pay close attention to this one, CHEZ Nation. We’ve been hearing rumours that Ottawa might be included, and a recent error on a Pearl jam website showed an Ottawa date in May. It was quickly removed,and that was a couple of months ago but the flame was fanned.