When he plays First Ontario Centre in Hamilton on July 21st, Paul McCartney will have completed his bucket list. In an interview with Ottawa’s rock station CHEZ 106, McCartney says that he has only one more item to cross off his once-extensive “bucket list”.


“I’ve pretty much done it all, at this point,” said McCartney. “I’ve had the good fortune to become wealthy enough to do whatever I like. I’ve seen Duran Duran, flown a fighter jet, I’ve been carried between villages on the tusks of an elephant, I’ve sprayed Sofia Vergara with a fire extinguisher full of Cool Whip. There’s not much left to do.” So what makes Hamilton the final place to cross off his list? The HMCS Haida. McCartney wants to play every city in the world with a decommissioned military ship named after an Aboriginal people. “When I play Hamilton, Ontario and get to see the HMCS Haida, that will be the last one. Four hundred and forty-eight cities with decommissioned military ships with Aboriginal names, I never thought I’d get there.”


When asked what might get him out of retirement, McCartney responded “if the HMAS Toowoomba ever gets decommissioned, I might have to return to Australia just to play Perth. But unless that ship is decommissioned soon, I don’t see it happening. You’ve got to realize I can’t keep doing this forever, and I’ve got to make sure to scratch every single line off my bucket list while I still have the chance!”