It was a huge week for boneheads. We had SEVEN nominees, including…

The UK woman who called 9-1-1 because she lost her TV remote.

The woman who drove into the side of a house when she ‘closed her eyes to pray’.

The guy who robbed a gas station – where he had previously worked – and was recognized by his voice.

The British guy who accidentally got overpaid about $80,000 – and spent $56,000 in three days on cars, hotels, booze and cocaine

The guy in California who fled from the police and hopped a fence – right into a jail.


The guy in China who was pretending to be the chief of police to impress his girlfriend, so he walked her right into the police station and told the cops to get him water.

But the winner this week was (much to Woody’s displeasure) the guy who was busted driving in Guelph wearing a battery-powered LED lamp on his head. Because his headlights were out. The police officer who spotted him initially thought he was seeing a bicycle, but then realized that bicycle was doing 108 km/h in a 70 zone. The Bonehead Of The Week has been charged with both speeding and operating an unsafe vehicle.