If you were born before the 80’s you might have had the opportunity to choose not to vote for Canada’s Rhinoceros Party.

Back in the day, Canadian Political Parties were given 5 minutes of prime-time television spots to address their campaign and promises to the Canadian audience. This one occurrence with Rhino Party National Director, Charlie McKenzie, was the first…and last time the Rhinoceros Party was allowed on TV.

The Rhinoceros Party had all kinds of crazy ideas, like repealing the Law of Gravity, banning guns and butter, and counting the Thousand Islands to make sure the Americans didn’t steal any. (To see some more of what they wanted to do, check out this Maclean’s Article)

Check out this amusing video of Canada’s ‘Most Least-Wanted’ Man.


Filed under: Canadian Politics, Rhinoceros Party, Sex Drugs and Rock n' Roll