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Food tales from Woody's weird, weird childhood

Originally Aired: June 13, 2017


Turtle murder: The update. Doc finds some kind of redemption for his reprehensible behaviour of recent days.

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Turtle murder - an update

Originally Aired: June 13, 2017

Randall is still the cheapest person in show business. And in the running for cheapest man alive.

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Randall's dilemma - his cheap, cheap dilemma

Originally Aired: June 13, 2017

A study says that naming foods differently would convince people to eat healthier. Fair enough, but Woody’s orange sword business is still a head scratcher.

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Food tales from Woody's weird, weird childhood

Originally Aired: June 13, 2017


There are, it turns out, an awful lot of brawls that take place in Waffle Houses. Here is one of the most recent videos.

Filed under: Birthday, brawl, carrots, father's day, fight, food, melee, murder, names, redemption, saving, sunday, turtle, video, waffle house