

Randall is too cheap to buy anything, and too lazy to DO anything for his wife’s milestone birthday, coming up this Sunday – so we got our listeners to do it for him!

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We asked our listeners for help. They "helped".

Originally Aired: June 16, 2017

Our Bonehead of the Week was our most…ironic? Karmic? Bonehead ever!

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Doc & Woody Bonehead of the Week - Oops!

Originally Aired: June 16, 2017


Crazy. Antelope takes on and tackles a giraffe at a zoo in Rotterdam.

The follow-up videos on YouTube and elsewhere indicate that this is not uncommon – the two species are often kept together, and antelopes have actually killed giraffes in captivity. It’s not so funny now, is it?

Filed under: antelope, bank robber, Birthday, escape, father's day, giraffe, house arrest, jail, milestone, prison, Rotterdam, sandwich meat, tackle, video, wife, Zoo