Boyfriend audio:

We kicked the week off with Randall whining about his three daughters’ three boyfriends.

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Randall's Rant: Three daughters. Three boyfriends.

Originally Aired: January 2, 2018

That turned into the labeling of the three boyfriends as the ‘three stooges’.

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The stooges are in the house

Originally Aired: January 2, 2018

This led to the speculation that almost dropped El Cheapo of a heart attack on the spot.

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Three weddings and a heart attack

Originally Aired: January 2, 2018

Varmint audio:

We then moved on to speculation about what creatures, exactly, were living in Randall’s house?

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Mice in Randall's house? We ask Outdoors Guy Jeff Morrison

Originally Aired: January 3, 2018

After Outdoors Guy Jeff Morrison suggested it was raccoons, we received a phone call, and a lesson.

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Watch out for them city raccoons. They're the smart 'uns.

Originally Aired: January 3, 2018

Another phone call, another lesson about the skills of raccoons.

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And now, the dumb raccoons

Originally Aired: January 3, 2018

Now, it doesn’t have to be raccoons. Or mice. What about bats? It could be bats.

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Wait - not raccoons. Bats. It's probably bats.

Originally Aired: January 3, 2018

Woody told us a story about a mouse he once had in his house. That resulted in his first Bonehead of the Week nomination of 2018.

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Woody gets a Bonehead nomination

Originally Aired: January 4, 2018

Miscellaneous audio:

Oregon has made it LEGAL to pump your OWN gas. With…unpredictable results.

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C'mon Oregon. Get it together.

Originally Aired: January 4, 2018

Gamblers! Some are good, some are bad. Here are a couple of bad ones.

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So...gambling winnings, eh?

Originally Aired: January 2, 2018


Woody won Bonehead of the Week this week, but sadly there was no video of his infraction. Thankfully, there WAS video of this runner-up: