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Doc & Woody Bonehead of the Week results

Originally Aired: March 23, 2018

Your nominees are:

The bureaucrats in Romania who insisted that a man was dead, and refused to change his designation, no matter how long he stood there and argued with them. They did six hours of interviews and ‘tests’.

THE WINNER!!! The woman who was driving so drunk she pulled into a security booth at a JAIL and ordered a breakfast sandwich. Then wouldn’t take ‘we’re a jail’ for an answer.

The Seattle guy who stole stuff from Costco by running out of the emergency exit. Then did it again a few days later. And then again. And then, the store saw him and called the cops, who just waited outside the emergency exit to catch him. Simple!

The people who are paying extra money to the travel company Off The Grid that is offering ‘phone-free vacations’. Instead of just going on the same vacation, cheaper, and leaving your phone at home.

The guy in Pennsylvania who robbed a bank with a note that said “just give me the money and nothing else will happen.” It was then signed “sincerely, Glenn Flory”. His real name.