For 30 Deeds…Done Dirt Cheap, The Biggs & Barr Show are looking to get Murphy the cat adopted from the Ottawa Humane Society!

Murphy has been at the Ottawa Humane Society since January.

The staff at the OHS call me a Star! Stars tend to be self-starters and like to spend part of their day on independent activities, like exploring every nook and cranny of your home! They also enjoy time with their family, but usually on their own terms. Their favourite family activities may include playing with engaging toys, participating in fun training games, or curling up for a nap somewhere close by. Stars are usually pretty resourceful and like to figure out how things work, so they benefit from places to explore and perches near windows. Stars may also be good candidates for harness training and leash walks outdoors! If you’re looking for an entertainer with loads of personality, a Star might just be the purrfect match for you!

Murphy has some special medical needs, and is an “I’ll come to you when I want attention” kind of guy – so a home with adults only and no other animals is best suited for him!

If you’re interested in adopting Murphy you can review his full profile here, and reach out to the adoption team via email ( or phone 613-725-3166 x258
Someone will be in touch within 48 hours



About the Updated Ottawa Humane Society Adoption Process:

  • With the Shirley Kearns Memorial Adoption Centre currently closed due to the COVID-19 outbreak, adoptions are currently done on an appointment basis. If you’re interested in adopting Murphy, review his profile here, and reach out to the adoption team via email ( or phone 613-725-3166 x258 – someone will be in touch within 48 hours.
  • If the interested party and the animal are a good match (based on a review of the adopter profile and the animal’s needs), our adoption counselors will review the animals file, including any medical or behavior issues/needs over the phone.  We will also review the adoption contract over the phone.  If everything is a go, we will schedule an appointment to come in and meet the animal
  • If, upon meeting, the adopter is happy to proceed, we will finalize the adoption and the animal gets to go home
  • When arriving for an adoption appointment, all clients must wear masks and be from the same household when visiting.  Clients will be asked to adhere to our safety protocols which include washing hands and maintaining physical distancing.
  • The Shirley Kearns Memorial Adoption Centre is not open to the general public.  People cannot come and visit with the animals at this time.