I’ve been coming to Saunders Farm since I was a little kid. Flash forward to now: while I trying to come up with an exciting way to combine my Halloween Radio Special with the Farm’s FrightFest, a very unique opportunity arose for me to truly go Behind the Scenes (Screams?) as a motorcycle ghoul. Click through the photo gallery below to see how their talented, professional makeup artists transformed me and Morgan (horror obsessed music director at CHEZ).

Old haunts and new are waiting for you at the Farm. Walk through the Barn of Terror, Shambles, Coven and Cemetery Crypt. Experience the Haunted Hayride while you’re at it!

Saunders Farm on instagram

Saunders Cider on instagram

Special thanks:

Jeff O’Reilly (Director of Experience and Engagement at Saunders Farm, Director of Business Dev. & GM of Saunders Cider Co.)

Bianca Carmen (Photography, Saunders PR)

Caleigh Murison (Marketing, Saunders Farm)

Amy’s Make-Up done by Dalene Gallo

And now to share some of your Ghost Stories… Read at your own risk!

Stories submitted to me via text:

I worked in a jail in Toronto. The third floor was said to be haunted. You would walk through freezing cold spots when the rest was humid and hot from the summer. It would send chills right up your spine.  – Anonymous (text)

I was stargazing one evening in my backyard. Thought I saw a shooting star, until it stopped dead in its tracks, was going west, then pulled a 90° turn and went south. Never could explain it. – Gabe

Our old farmhouse had, I will say, a spirit living in it.  My kids had, unbeknownst to me, named him Wilburt. One evening, during dinner, there was a noise coming from the living room and our farmhand (the former owner of the farm) said, “What was that?” and the kids replied in stereo, “That’s just Wilburt”. Well our farmhand’s face went white and he told us that his uncle’s name was Wilburt and that he had passed over in that very house. Well, all I can say is that Wilburt was a nice spirit. He used to open doors for me when my hands were full … laundry basket, etc. When we built the new house and were planning to tear down the old one, I invited Wilburt to move in with us but he did not. I never felt his presence again. – Sue

As a kid I could never leave my bedroom door open because every night there would be this figure at my door outlined by a bright light.  – Pierre

Not one to believe in paranormal, occult, supernatural or anything like that, the world lost a good one this past May. She was a special kind of special. After the celebration of life, I was laying in bed trying to wrap my head around the fact that she was gone when, out of the darkness I saw and felt her hand in mine; the frilly white cuff under the sleeve of her powder blue cashmere sweater. I tried to hold on but her hand slipped from my grasp and was gone. It wasn’t sad or scary. She told me everything was okay. Still missing her. – Jimbo

My aunt was a nurse at St. Vincent’s and one night she was called into a patient’s room. The lady in the bed told her to go check on one of the other patients down the hall, said she “just saw her spirit float past the end of her bed and out the window.” My aunt went to check on the lady and she had passed away. That story has always stuck with me. – Shannon

When I was a teenager, my sister and I were driving back home at night. We lived in the country. There were no streetlights or other houses near us. About 500 meters from our house, a white figure suddenly appeared in the road in front of us. We both screamed as I slammed on the breaks. I drove right through it like it was a patch of fog or something. We both saw it. We both screamed. Nothing was there. – Coral

When I was about twenty-five years old, I woke up in the middle of the night and realized I was levitating. My face was about four or five inches away from the ceiling. I looked down at the door and I was definitely up at the ceiling. Closed my eyes because I was scared and woke up. It was morning. Weirdest dream, (I think), EVER! – Rob

After my grandma died, I was looking for the necklace that I had picked out from her jewelry to have as a keepsake. I couldn’t find it in my jewelry box. My mom called me to dinner, so I closed the jewelry box and went to eat. When I came back to my room, the jewelry box was open and the necklace was draped over the open lid. I asked my family if someone had gone in the room and found it for me, because I had told them I could not find it. But everyone said, “no”, they had not been in my room. I’m guessing it was Grandma. – Judy

I moved in with my boyfriend (now my husband) and, almost immediately, started having night terrors.  One evening we went to sleep I woke up and saw something standing beside my bed. I immediately fell back asleep. When I awoke the next morning, both my elbows were burnt! Its like someone took a cigarette and burnt a complete circle on both elbows. My husband was freaked out, as was I. He went and bought me a rosary to keep beside the bed. We have since moved. – Janet

My fiance and I were planning our wedding, and her grandmother had given her a wedding dress. My wife didn’t know what to do with it or if there were any special instructions. As luck would have it, her grandma had recorded a message before passing away (cancer). Before the wedding, my best friend, fiance and her best friend decided to watch the video. As soon as we put the VHS tape into the VCR we heard the light switch click on. The lights then turned off about fifteen seconds later. We all just looked at eachother and turned off the TV. No one else was there. The lights were not on a timer switch. We still talk about it to this day. – Mike

Shortly after my Dad passed away in ’81, my aunt was at home sitting on her couch. She called down to my uncle to bring her cigarettes up to her as she’d left them downstairs. Well they came flying up the stairs as if my uncle had just thrown them. She said, “Geez, thanks!” and got up to grab them from the floor. Just then, a really big and heavy oak framed painting above the couch fell off the wall and would have definitely did her in. She said to my uncle who had rushed upstairs, “Holy !@#% hon, you throwin’ my smokes just saved my life, I think!” My Uncle said, ” What are you talking about? I didn’t throw them. I didn’t even hear you ask me for them.” – Ron B.

Filed under: amy volume, ghost stories, ghosts, halloween, happy halloween, haunt, haunted, Ottawa, paranormal, radio, saunders, saunders cider, saunders farm, spooky stories