Inspiration can hit you at any moment, and for frontman David Usher of Canadian band Moist, it was after binge watching the entire Quentin Tarantino movie catalogue while in quarantine. Thus, Usher titled this new single ‘Tarantino (Bullet Kill Sex Love Thrill)’ which, “tells the story of a life in meaningless excess.”



Usher has shared that, “The song came out of a dream sparked by those images where we have lost all sense of ourselves — where there are no limits on our consumption and all we want is more…We deconstruct and reconstruct ourselves to fill an unfillable void and we just eat ourselves alive, and somehow, we still can’t wake up.” This stand alone single was given a matching music video to go along with these sentiments as well, with animator/director David Barlow-Krelina re-working clips from his 2018 National Film Board of Canada short, Caterpillarplasty.



So far this new single is the first new music from Moist in seven years, following their 2014 album release Glory Under Dangerous Skies. It currently is a stand alone single not a part of an album, although if inspiration can hit this fast, then there could more music coming our way from the Canadian rockers sooner rather than later. Check out ‘Tarantino (Bullet Kill Sex Love Thrill)’ in full below (…it’s a trip).