Every year, Children At Risk holds a charity pumpkin auction at local malls to raise money. They take the money raised to send children with autism spectrum disorder to summer camp, and they are a terrific charity. Which is why, every year, Doc & Woody and Eric carves jack-o-lanterns for this wonderful cause. For many years now, Doc & Woody have been too lazy to carve their pumpkin themselves. So they contract that out. Eric, on the other hand, works extremely hard at carving an outstanding pumpkin. Here are this year’s efforts:

eric pumpkindw pumpkin

The Doc & Woody pumpkin (which is a Gengar pokemon, carved by Jennifer), is up for bids at the Carlingwood mall. It comes with 2 tickets to Ottawa Senators vs. Carolina Hurricanes,$50 New York Fries Gift Cards,106.1 T-Shirt & 106.1 Lanyard.

Eric’s pumpkin, a rock n roll pumpkin featuring the logos of such classic acts as the Who, Weezer, Nirvana and Nine Inch Nails, is on display at the Merivale mall. It comes with Rush CDs. And a lanyard.

Bids on these pumpkins can be made online, or in person at either the Merivale Mall or Carlingwood!

Filed under: Children at Risk