Deed #5 was for the families staying at the Ronald McDonald House.

OPA Chef Andrew cooked up a tasty Chicken Cordon Bleu dinner (and chicken fingers for the kids) for everyone staying at the Ronald McDonald House.

We did this deed last year and knew it was one we had to do again!

Thank you Ottawa Police Association for the great deed suggestion and Chef Andrew for cooking up a meal the families are still talking about.



Since 1984, Ronald McDonald House Charities Ottawa (RMHCO) has provided a safe, inclusive, and compassionate place for families to call ‘home’. Providing the comforts of home to out-of-town families whose children are seeking treatment at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) allows them to focus on their child’s health and removes the financial burden and the commute they would otherwise incur.

RMHCO operates independently and works closely with the greater Ronald McDonald House Charities network (across Canada and globally). Our House can currently accommodate 14 families at a time. Our staff complement is 10 and we have approximately 100 amazing volunteers who help with operations. We have firm plans to significantly expand the House and required fundraising over the next few years. At Ronald McDonald House Charities Ottawa (RMHCO), we have served thousands of families from hundreds of communities for close to 40 years. We provide families with a home-away-from-home while they travel for critical care. In an average year, we save families more than $1.2 million in expenses that otherwise would be paid out of pocket.