Motorhead legend Lemmy died at the end of December, but continues to make news as fans are channeling their grief into several different outpourings of support – Lemmy’s memorial service, originally scheduled to take place Saturday at his favourite bar, the Rainbow Bar And Grill in West Hollywood, has had such a huge response that it will now take place along the entire Sunset Strip.

Motorhead have also arranged to live-stream Lemmy’s entire memorial service on the 9th at their YouTube page.

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In addition, Lemmy fans are petitioning the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry to name a heavy metal after the Motorhead icon. The discovery of four new elements was confirmed on December 30th, and they have yet to be named. The fans are asking that one of them be called ‘Lemmium’.

And a campaign by fans to get the Motorhead classic ‘Ace Of Spades’ to the top of the UK charts is working – the track is currently sitting at #9!