

Giant Tiger has a new line of Ride For Dad clothes – and they’ve chosen ERIC as one of the models to debut this?

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A Giant show?

Originally Aired: September 6, 2017

Your day was not as bad as at least one of these bad days.

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Thought YOU had a bad day?

Originally Aired: September 6, 2017


The funniest video of an Irish family trying to catch a bat while the dog pees on the floor that you will see this week.

And for you Game of Thrones fans out there…from Jimmy Kimmel comes this fantastic piece:

Filed under: apartment, bat, catch, date, delivery, dog, door, family, family feud, fashion show, fire department, game of thrones, giant tiger, hodor, irish, james-hetfield, kitchen, Metallica, poo, poop, prostate cancer, ride for dad, stuck, tinder, ups, video, window