And your winner this week is…

RANDALL, who thought it was a hilarious ‘prank’ to drop a salt shaker into a woman’s purse at the pub. A woman’s very expensive, leather purse, which was ruined.

randall muppets

The other (less worthy) nominees:

The drug dealer who wanted to sell weed at the Innes road detention facility, so he threw a rock at a cop car to get arrested, then went to jail with eight Kinder eggs full of drugs up his butt.

Kinder eggs

The father who wanted to “scare his daughter straight”, so to correct his six-year-old‘s bad behaviour, he dressed up as a clown and chased her down the street. She fled into a neighbour’s house. The drunk neighbour got his gun and came out firing. Everyone was arrested. Except the little girl.


The mountain climber who scaled the tallest mountain in Wales wearing only Superman briefs, then promptly (and predictably) came down with hypothermia.


The armed robber who robbed a gas station but was caught because his getaway car ran out of gas.